Child Support Is Not Dischargeable

Child support is NOT dischargeable in any type of bankruptcy. The welfare of minor children is of primary importance throughout the state and federal court system. Priority debts are nondischargeable in bankruptcy. This means that if you owe any outstanding child support debt, it will not get wiped out by your bankruptcy discharge. As a [...]

Hiding From Debt Won’t Make It Go Away.

Ignoring or Hiding From Debt Won't Make It Go Away, it will only make them worse. Nobody-ever-forgets-a-debt. Especially not creditors. If you are facing legal action do not procrastinate. Often, even when people are in danger of foreclosure or car repossession, or are being sued, or are having their wages garnished – even then, they do [...]

What Happens When You Can’t Repay Your Tax Debt?

It is possible to eliminate your federal income taxes in Chapter 7 bankruptcy if all of the following conditions are met: Your tax debt is from income taxes. Any taxes other than income, such as payroll taxes or fraud penalties, will not be eliminated by bankruptcy. You didn't defraud the system. If you filed a [...]

Tax Debt Relief And Bankruptcy

Tax Debt Relief  If you have an income tax debt, and are filing for bankruptcy, that may be eligible for discharge under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code. The difference between a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is that Chapter 7 allows for a full discharge of permitted debts [...]

Co-signers and Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy provides a fresh start for many, but what happens when some of your secured debt, such as a vehicle, has a co-signer? If you are planning on filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and in doing so surrendering secured property, you should understand that when it comes to co-signers and bankruptcy, the protection of bankruptcy [...]

The Difference Between Secured and Unsecured Debt

The type of debt you have plays an important role in what happens if you default on a loan. There are two types of debt. Secured and unsecured debt. Secured Debt is any debt that is backed by some sort of physical property, such as a car loan or a mortgage. The car loan is [...]

Don’t Let The Holidays Jeopardize Your Bankruptcy

If your New Year's resolution is to file for bankruptcy, there are some steps you should take to prevent the holidays jeopardize your bankruptcy. One of the greatest mistakes that people make during the holidays is over spending. It's very easy to become wrapped up in the season of giving, however your trustee won't appreciate [...]

The Benefits of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows people with an income the option of creating a plan to repay part, or all of their debt when they are experiencing hardship. This is why it’s known as the “Wage Earner’s Plan.” When filing for Chapter 13, the debtor has agreed to a repayment plan of their debts over a [...]

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