Bankruptcy FAQs.
What do I need to begin my Minnesota bankruptcy case? Have a detailed list of past and current debts as well as a list of assets and liabilities. Additionally, you will need tax returns for the past two years, documentation of income, recent bank account and retirement statements, proof of expenses, and identification. You will also have to complete a credit counseling course before bankruptcy can be filed. Enlist a St Louis Park bankruptcy attorney to help build your petition.
Can a co-signer be responsible for a debt if bankruptcy is filed? Yes. The lender can demand that the co-signer make payments once the principle borrower on a loan has declared bankruptcy. However, it is possible to protect the co-signer by continuing to pay the debt after the bankruptcy case is filed.
When should I stop using my credit cards if I’m planning to file for bankruptcy? The moment you anticipate filing, stop using your credit cards because some of your purchases could be deemed fraudulent. If cash advances or certain purchases are made within 90 days of filing, the debt could possibly be excluded from your bankruptcy discharge.
Does my divorce decree protect me from creditors if my former spouse files for bankruptcy? Unfortunately, no. If you co-signed on any debt while married, creditors can demand payment from you. This is true even if the debt was assigned to your ex in the divorce decree. However, your divorce decree may dictate repercussions against your former spouse should they default on loan obligations.
Can I have my bankruptcy removed from my credit report? No. A bankruptcy will automatically fall off of your credit report within 7 to 10 years. You can request that accounts that were reported inaccurately be updated and corrected.
Do I have to include all of my accounts when I file for bankruptcy? All debts must be included in your petition and schedules. Some debts can be kept by “reaffirming” or simply continuing to pay that specific debt.
Contact St Louis Park Bankruptcy Attorney Gregory Wald at 952-921-5802 for more information on these frequently asked questions.
5775 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 700
St. Louis Park, MN 55416