Divorce and Bankruptcy

Divorce and Bankruptcy: Divorce is painful and can leave us in financial ruins. We are often clouded with emotion and are unable to make sound financial decisions that will protect us. Make sure to hire someone who is thinking practically and not emotionally. If filing for bankruptcy is necessary, than proper means must be taken [...]

Child Support Is Not Dischargeable

Child support is NOT dischargeable in any type of bankruptcy. The welfare of minor children is of primary importance throughout the state and federal court system. Priority debts are nondischargeable in bankruptcy. This means that if you owe any outstanding child support debt, it will not get wiped out by your bankruptcy discharge. As a [...]

Hiding From Debt Won’t Make It Go Away.

Ignoring or Hiding From Debt Won't Make It Go Away, it will only make them worse. Nobody-ever-forgets-a-debt. Especially not creditors. If you are facing legal action do not procrastinate. Often, even when people are in danger of foreclosure or car repossession, or are being sued, or are having their wages garnished – even then, they do [...]

Debt Loves Company

Debt doesn’t just consume one person at a time, in the event there is a co-debtor, (and several of your debts include co-debtors). Also known as co-signors, the people who sign with you on a debt are often family members and the closest friends you have. By signing a legal document guaranteeing that your debt [...]

Can I File For Bankruptcy More Than Once?

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy : Did you know that you can file for bankruptcy more than once? Sometimes, we find ourselves in the hole again through circumstances beyond our control. There are options if you should find yourself in need of debt relief. There are two common types of bankruptcy, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. You [...]

What’s the difference between Chapter 7, 11 and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code?

...A commonly asked question. Commonly asked because many are truly unaware of the differences between the two. Chapter 7. Chapter 7 case begins with the debtor filing a petition with the bankruptcy court serving the area where the individual lives or where the business debtor is organized or has its principal place of business or [...]

Can Tax Debts Be Simply Eliminated Through Filing For Bankruptcy?

There are many ads on the TV and radio that claim tax debts can simply be eliminated through filing for bankruptcy. Unfortunately, this is not always true. Income tax debts are able to be discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy if all of the following is true: All tax returns for the tax debt you're seeking [...]

Tips For Maximizing Your Budget During The Holiday Season

Maximizing Your Budget Thanksgiving kicks off the start of the holiday season, which also happens to be the season in which we spend the most. You may feel like it's difficult to avoid going into debt during this time, but here are some tips that will help you save money. Calculate a budget and stick [...]

Successful People Who Have Filed For Bankruptcy

Many people have a negative connotation associated with filing for bankruptcy. That thought needs to be dispelled. Bankruptcy protection was included in our Constitution to offer relief to debtors and to provide them the opportunity for a fresh start. Bankruptcy should be considered a new beginning for your family. Successful people who have filed for [...]

Speak With A Bankruptcy Attorney About A Hardship Discharge

Filing for Chapter 13 gives people with a source of income the choice of devising a plan to repay some of their debt when they're experiencing a financial hardship. This is why Chapter 13 is also known as the "wage earner's plan." In the instance that you've already filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, yet you [...]

You Must Take A Credit Counseling Course Before Filing For Bankruptcy

Before a debtor can file for bankruptcy, they must take a credit counseling course beforehand and then a financial management course before the discharge can be granted. This requirement has been in effect since 2005, when the bankruptcy code was revised. These courses are intended to educate debtors and to aid in positive financial management. [...]

Set Yourself Up For Success After Bankruptcy

Now that you've successfully discharged or restructured your debts in bankruptcy, it's time to set yourself up for success after bankruptcy. Here are some important steps to take to ensure your success: Compile a list of any debts that were discharged in bankruptcy. Certain debts such as student loans, child support, spousal support, and some [...]

Common Bankruptcy Myths

Common Bankruptcy Myths Everyone will know that I filed for bankruptcy... While filing for bankruptcy is a matter of public record, people generally won't find this information unless they are looking for it. All of my debts will be wiped out in Chapter 7 bankruptcy... Sadly, not every debt is able to be discharged. Non-dischargeable [...]

Bankruptcy The Second Time Around

Bankruptcy The Second Time If you have already filed for bankruptcy and you find yourself struggling with debt again, you may be eligible to file for bankruptcy the second time -- if certain criteria are met. There are two main types of bankruptcy, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. You are able to file more than [...]

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