Divorce and Bankruptcy

Divorce and Bankruptcy: Divorce is painful and can leave us in financial ruins. We are often clouded with emotion and are unable to make sound financial decisions that will protect us. Make sure to hire someone who is thinking practically and not emotionally. If filing for bankruptcy is necessary, than proper means must be taken [...]

Hiding From Debt Won’t Make It Go Away.

Ignoring or Hiding From Debt Won't Make It Go Away, it will only make them worse. Nobody-ever-forgets-a-debt. Especially not creditors. If you are facing legal action do not procrastinate. Often, even when people are in danger of foreclosure or car repossession, or are being sued, or are having their wages garnished – even then, they do [...]

Understanding The Benefits Of Bankruptcy.

Benefits Of Bankruptcy Many people are afraid of bankruptcy. The very word sends shivers down their spine. It’s the financial world’s scarlet “a”. That’s a general misconception held by many. Filing for bankruptcy is often times a beneficial experience when one is saddled with insurmountable death. People worry about it showing up on their credit [...]

Failing To Complete A Credit Counseling Course Can Ruin Your Bankruptcy Case

Did you know that failing to complete credit counseling course can ruin your case? In both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, credit counseling is required. One course must be completed within 180 days before your case is filed and another must be completed before the case can be discharged. As a rule of thumb, [...]

You Must Take A Credit Counseling Course Before Filing For Bankruptcy

Before a debtor can file for bankruptcy, they must take a credit counseling course beforehand and then a financial management course before the discharge can be granted. This requirement has been in effect since 2005, when the bankruptcy code was revised. These courses are intended to educate debtors and to aid in positive financial management. [...]

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