What Is a Reaffirmation Agreement and Should I Sign One?

  A reaffirmation agreement is a contract in which a Chapter 7 debtor (the person who files a bankruptcy case) and a lender agree that a debt will not be discharged in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case. If the goal of a bankruptcy case is to eliminate (discharge) as much debt as possible, it may [...]

Student Loans in Bankruptcy

Student Loans in Bankruptcy In order to eliminate student loans in bankruptcy, it is necessary to sue the lender and prove that it would be an "undue hardship" to be required to repay the loan.  The courts have interpreted this requirement stringently, making it difficult for most borrowers to eliminate their student loans in bankruptcy.   [...]

What’s New About Getting a Mortgage After Bankruptcy

The waiting period for obtaining an FHA or VA mortgage after bankruptcy is two years after you receive your Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge..  It normally takes about three months to get your discharge after we file your bankruptcy petition with the court.  However, there is a new rule that allows you to obtain an FHA [...]

Can a Person Filing Bankruptcy Exclude Debts They Want to Pay?

Filing Bankruptcy Exclude Debts: I am often asked Can a Person Filing Bankruptcy Exclude Debts They Want to Pay?.  When you file a bankruptcy petition, you must give the court a complete list of your debts.  You are not allowed to leave anything off.  However, it is possible to repay debts that you have listed [...]

Divorce and Bankruptcy

Divorce and Bankruptcy: Divorce is painful and can leave us in financial ruins. We are often clouded with emotion and are unable to make sound financial decisions that will protect us. Make sure to hire someone who is thinking practically and not emotionally. If filing for bankruptcy is necessary, than proper means must be taken [...]

Hiding From Debt Won’t Make It Go Away.

Ignoring or Hiding From Debt Won't Make It Go Away, it will only make them worse. Nobody-ever-forgets-a-debt. Especially not creditors. If you are facing legal action do not procrastinate. Often, even when people are in danger of foreclosure or car repossession, or are being sued, or are having their wages garnished – even then, they do [...]

How To Handle Enormous Debt Load Right After Receiving Your College Degree.

Enormous Debt : More than ever, young adults are being saddled with an enormous amount of debt right after they earn their college degree. They spend the rest of their twenties giving a sizable portion back to the University who just won a bowl game and is hardly hurting for cash. Meanwhile, you're a twenty [...]

Understanding The Benefits Of Bankruptcy.

Benefits Of Bankruptcy Many people are afraid of bankruptcy. The very word sends shivers down their spine. It’s the financial world’s scarlet “a”. That’s a general misconception held by many. Filing for bankruptcy is often times a beneficial experience when one is saddled with insurmountable death. People worry about it showing up on their credit [...]

The Problems That Occur When Filing Bankruptcy Without An Attorney

WHAT HAPPENS AFTER I FILE FOR BANKRUPTCY? Filing bankruptcy can be a daunting and emotionally draining experience. Going it alone will only make the task even more monumental. It doesn't have to be so bleak though. Sometimes in life we need a reboot, if you will. Many of great financiers, moguls, and millionaires alike have [...]

Failing To Complete A Credit Counseling Course Can Ruin Your Bankruptcy Case

Did you know that failing to complete credit counseling course can ruin your case? In both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, credit counseling is required. One course must be completed within 180 days before your case is filed and another must be completed before the case can be discharged. As a rule of thumb, [...]

Receive Bankruptcy Protection Protection From Creditors

We offer immediate bankruptcy protection from creditors upon filing your bankruptcy petition. When we file a bankruptcy petition with the court, it creates a blanket court order called an "automatic stay" against creditor collection efforts. All collection efforts will cease. We stop harassing calls from collection agencies. We can stop repossession of your car and [...]

Speak With A Bankruptcy Attorney About A Hardship Discharge

Filing for Chapter 13 gives people with a source of income the choice of devising a plan to repay some of their debt when they're experiencing a financial hardship. This is why Chapter 13 is also known as the "wage earner's plan." In the instance that you've already filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, yet you [...]

Common Bankruptcy Myths

Common Bankruptcy Myths Everyone will know that I filed for bankruptcy... While filing for bankruptcy is a matter of public record, people generally won't find this information unless they are looking for it. All of my debts will be wiped out in Chapter 7 bankruptcy... Sadly, not every debt is able to be discharged. Non-dischargeable [...]

Co-signers and Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy provides a fresh start for many, but what happens when some of your secured debt, such as a vehicle, has a co-signer? If you are planning on filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and in doing so surrendering secured property, you should understand that when it comes to co-signers and bankruptcy, the protection of bankruptcy [...]

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