How To Handle Enormous Debt Load Right After Receiving Your College Degree.

Enormous Debt : More than ever, young adults are being saddled with an enormous amount of debt right after they earn their college degree. They spend the rest of their twenties giving a sizable portion back to the University who just won a bowl game and is hardly hurting for cash. Meanwhile, you're a twenty [...]

Tax Debt Relief And Bankruptcy

Tax Debt Relief  If you have an income tax debt, and are filing for bankruptcy, that may be eligible for discharge under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code. The difference between a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is that Chapter 7 allows for a full discharge of permitted debts [...]

The Difference Between Secured and Unsecured Debt

The type of debt you have plays an important role in what happens if you default on a loan. There are two types of debt. Secured and unsecured debt. Secured Debt is any debt that is backed by some sort of physical property, such as a car loan or a mortgage. The car loan is [...]

The Benefits of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows people with an income the option of creating a plan to repay part, or all of their debt when they are experiencing hardship. This is why it’s known as the “Wage Earner’s Plan.” When filing for Chapter 13, the debtor has agreed to a repayment plan of their debts over a [...]

Student Loans and Bankruptcy

In today’s society many students are faced with the uncertainty of landing a job right after graduation--in addition to that, students are weighed down by student loan debt. There is an option if you find yourself having difficulty paying back your student loan. Chapter 13, also known as “The Wage Earner’s Plan,” develops a plan [...]

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