Can You File Bankruptcy on Medical Bills?

A medical emergency can happen without warning leaving you out of work and deeply in debt. With or without health insurance, it's easy for medical bills to quickly pile up. But how can you fully recover from your injury if you are constantly stressed about your medical debt? Can you file bankruptcy on medical bills? Yes — [...]

How Long Does Bankruptcy Chapter 7 Take?

By now, you're probably already aware of the benefits of Chapter 7 bankruptcy — one of which is that you can get your debt discharged relatively fast. But how long does bankruptcy Chapter 7 take, from filing to closing? How soon can you get a fresh financial start? While Chapter 7 typically takes four to six months to [...]

Can One Spouse File Bankruptcy Without the Other?

No one looks forward to filing bankruptcy. And the last thing anyone wants is for it to negatively impact their family. But what if you and your spouse are struggling with debt and bankruptcy is the only option? Can one spouse file bankruptcy without the other, or should you file together? Below, we discuss the [...]

Can You File Bankruptcy on Taxes?

There are a myriad of reasons why you may have gotten behind on your taxes. A family emergency, a serious medical issue, or a natural disaster may have forced you to focus on more important matters and put taxes on the back burner. But no matter the situation, it is impossible to try and hide from the IRS forever. The agency [...]

How Does Bankruptcy Affect Your Credit?

One of the most common fears people have about bankruptcy is the impact it will have on their credit scores. But how does bankruptcy affect your credit? Will it trash your credit score forever? In reality, it depends. Bankruptcy may hurt your score initially, but over time it can give you a good chance to wipe [...]

How to Stop Wage Garnishment With Bankruptcy

When you’re facing financial hardship, wage garnishment can add insult to injury. The last thing you need is to get chunks of your paycheck taken out every month in order to pay creditors. While it may not sound like an appealing option, bankruptcy can help. Below, we discuss how to stop wage garnishment with bankruptcy. If your wages are being [...]

How Often Can You File Bankruptcy?

If you've filed bankruptcy in the past, how soon can you file again? How often can you file bankruptcy? Although there are no limits on how often you can file, there are time restrictions on how often you can get a discharge. A knowledgeable Minneapolis bankruptcy lawyer can evaluate your situation and help you decide [...]

Why Filing Bankruptcy Yourself Isn’t a Good Idea

Maybe your bills started piling up after you lost your job, or you can't make a dent in the medical bills you owe. Whatever the cause, if you owe much more than you can afford, bankruptcy could be a good option for you. It could help you regain control of your financial situation and give [...]

Car Repossession After Chapter 7 Discharge

If your car loan lender obtains permission from the court, they may be able to repossess your car during Chapter 7 bankruptcy. But there are options to avoid this. If you have questions about car repossession after Chapter 7 bankruptcy, contact Gregory J. Wald Attorney at Law today. What Happens to Your Car During Bankruptcy? When you [...]

What Bankruptcy Chapter Should I File?

Once you decide that bankruptcy is the right decision for you, the first question you should ask yourself is, "What bankruptcy chapter should I file?" The chapter you should choose depends mostly on factors like how much debt you owe, your income, the extent of your assets, and your profession. In this article, we'll take [...]

Should I File Bankruptcy?

Often when people ask, "Should I file bankruptcy?" most people will respond, "Only as a last report!" But the real answer is that it depends on your circumstances. Bankruptcy does have its negative effects. But it can also help you get your finances in order relatively quickly, especially with Chapter 7. When to Consider Filing Bankruptcy [...]

What Happens After Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

If you're thinking about filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy, no doubt you're asking the same question everyone else does: What happens after filing Chapter 7? The answer depends on a variety of things — not least the type of debt you're able to discharge, and what you do discharge. In this article, we'll answer that question for Minnesota, starting [...]

Is Bankruptcy Right for Me? When to File Bankruptcy Chapter 7

It can be difficult to know precisely when to file bankruptcy Chapter 7; but if you find yourself in dire financial straits, asking yourself "Is bankruptcy right for me?" that's a pretty good indicator that you're just about there. If you find yourself at the point of asking yourself when to file for bankruptcy, Chapter 7 [...]

How Does the Automatic Stay Protect You From Creditors?

An automatic stay is a life-saver that can prevent financial ruin after you file bankruptcy. This protective function goes into action instantly when personal bankruptcy proceedings of any kind begin. It blocks civil lawsuits and most collection activity, and may even help you avoid eviction from your home. As such, it's critically important — but [...]

What Happens If I Fall Behind on Chapter 13 Payments?

If you fall behind on Chapter 13 payments, your creditors and trustee may well ask the court to dismiss your bankruptcy case. But don't worry; you have options. Together, we can help you find ways to save your bankruptcy, and even possibly even discharge some of your debts in the process. So what are your [...]

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