This the season for giving… and racking up debt. If you’re planning on filing bankruptcy after the holidays you’ll want to avoid these common mistakes, it could seriously jeopardize your bankruptcy.

We all get into the holiday spirit of gift giving while failing to think of ourselves. Draining your checking account, without setting any funds aside is a huge mistake. Bankruptcy fees must be paid for in cash, not a credit card, so it’s imperative that money is set aside to give you the fresh start your finances so desperately need.

Do not go on a shopping spree compliments of your credit card before filing for bankruptcy. If it looks like you were “loading up” on credit cards without intending to repay them, you might have to repay at least a portion of the funds that you borrowed.

Never give away your assets as gifts this holiday season, or even if you’re planning on filing for bankruptcy. If you give a gift to a relative that is worth $200 or more, the trustee of your bankruptcy case may demand the return of the gift so that it can be sold and the funds distributed to creditors. In some cases, charitable contributions can also be reversed. Giving away significant assets to avoid losing them in bankruptcy is considered fraudulent. Your debts might not be eliminated in bankruptcy if you attempt this. A skilled Minnesota bankruptcy lawyer can help you through the process in a manner that wisely uses your time and resources.

For answers to questions regarding your specific situation, contact Minnesota Bankruptcy Attorney Gregory J. Wald at 952-921-5802 to set up a consultation. We will be able to answer any of your questions and concerns